Did you know about ALL these Menopausal Symptoms?


      We are all familiar with the typical menopause symptoms: hot flashes, moodiness and irritability, and fatigue. These are bad enough, but I recently discovered a myriad of symptoms I never associated with menopause before. In hindsight, it all makes sense.

       Do you feel like you are always sick or that there is always something wrong with you? Are you frustrated with missing out on life because you are too miserable to enjoy it?  There is a good reason for it.

       Here is a list of symptoms that may suddenly occur or intensify at the onset of menopause. I bet you will be as surprised as I was.

      Cheer up! At least you have a valid excuse for your misery. I know it is no consolation now, but this too truly will pass. I made it to the other side of this rocky path called menopause without tearing my hair out (or anybody else’s), killing anyone, or going certifiably insane. You can too.

    Remember, Lamentations 3:23 says, God’s mercies “are new every morning: great is His faithfulness.” He will give you the grace to fight this battle of out-of-control hormones one day at a time. And when you fail (we all do), God’s mercy will renew and refresh. After all, tomorrow is another day.

    If you would like to learn more about these symptoms, go to http://www.kuhlcare.com/menopause-symptoms/qw9qw78.

 You can also click on any symptom to learn more about it.  

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5 thoughts on “Did you know about ALL these Menopausal Symptoms?

  1. Many of the things on that list look awfully familiar, but I’m only 41. For me, the symptoms usually get worse whenever my core body temperature rises just a bit. I’m grateful for the relative coolness of the morning, but it’ll get warmer today, and I avoid the heat whenever I can. Do you find that your symptoms get worse in the warmer months?

    • Hi Sarah, well, first, my menopausal symptoms started at 35. Can you believe it? My daughter is 34 and she is already suffering the hot flashes, so early menopause must run in our family. So, 41 is not too early. Definitely the warmer weather makes the symptoms worse. But not just warmer weather, drinking hot liquids (I thought I was going to die when I had to give up my coffee), taking hot baths, eating hot (temperature wise) food, and eating spicy foods. What worked for me, for awhile, was Black Cohash, which is an herb. Please understand I am not a doctor, but it did work for me. On the other hand, it does not work for my daughter and she had to go on hormonal medicine. I don’t know if you signed up to my Newsletter, but every week I give little tidbits on how to survive menopause, they may help. Here is the link if you are interested: http://www.lisasforsanitysake.com/. Thanks so much for you question and your interest. If you have any more questions feel free to ask. God Bless! Lisa

      • Thanks, Lisa! I had suspected I was dealing with peri-menopause after reading something about it, but my doctor told me I was too young to be experiencing menopause, so he dismissed the idea. I’ve even had a brain MRI to check for MS, but the results were normal, and much of what I’m going through lately seems to be a better fit for menopause than it does for MS. I inherited familial tremor from my mom’s side, and that’s gotten worse, too.
        I’m following your blog, now, and will definitely sign up for the newsletter! Thanks so much for the help, and God bless you, too! 🙂

      • I often wondered why I felt worse after a hot shower. 😉 I don’t think I’m ready to give up coffee, yet, though, but I have been drinking it on ice, lately. I’ll look into Black Cohosh, and I also need to get more multi-vitamins, as well as calcium chews (boy, they’re pricey, though!). Hard to find a multi-vite that doesn’t gag me or make me nauseated (if I can swallow it). Any ideas?
        Thanks again for all your help! 🙂

  2. Hi Sarah, Sorry it took so long to answer you. I don’t spend as much time on this blog as I do my website blog (just so much to manage). Coffee was a hard one for me as well, it made it easier when I found out I was “salicylate intolerant” and coffee was one of the thousands of things I was allergic to. Yes, vitamins and supplements are very pricey. Another “menopause” herb I took was St. John’s Wart” it is supposed to calm the nerves. I think it worked, I was just sooooo anxious. Definitely keep up the calcium (with vitamin D). I will do some research and see what I can come up with that may have a mixture of all these things in one tablet. God Bless!

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